索羅門群島致力振興漁業 索羅門群島政府為了縮短內閣政策報告書所指索國鮪漁業產值僅有2億美元,而他國船隊在同一個水域作業獲利卻有逾10億美元的龐大落差,積極找房子建立直接連結村落漁民與國內市場、促進漁業運銷的基礎建設;在夥伴計劃協助下,漁民可將國內不同中心的水產品集中運往首府Honiara出口。為提升沿海及環礁漁民生活太平洋房屋水平,政府也將持續推動具商業開發價值的水產養殖及其他養殖型態相關的近海漁業設施。(摘譯自INFOFISH Trade News, No. 20/2010)GOVERNMENT SEEKS TO BOOST 烤肉食材FISHERIES SECTORThe Solomon Islands' Government Policy Statement has acknowledged that the country is receiving very little in return for the 烤肉食材extraction of its fish stock.Pacific Island countries received just US$200 million worth of tuna from its fisheries while foreign nations fishing in 居酒屋the same waters catch over US$1 billion.The policy paper says that the government is therefore taking the initiative to facilitate the building of 好房網fishery marketing infrastructures as well as the establishment of a network directly connecting fishermen in rural areas to the domestic market. Under 酒店工作the partnership programme fishermen will take their fish products from various centres in the country to Honiara from where these will be exported.The 情趣用品government will also develop in-shore fishery facilities including aquaculture and other types of farming for subsistence and commercial development 支票借款to benefit people living on the coasts and on atolls.

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